
Guelph Leagues


Winter Golf League!
  • Starts the week of Jan 13th (Sun-Thurs after 4 PM)
  • Flexible playtimes—same time weekly or switch it up
  • Mixed teams: play together or side-by-side with friends
  • League gift ($50 value) + weekly prizes (long drive, closest to pin, long putt, Flighted Low Score)
  • League party with food & drinks
  • All skill levels welcome—compete against golfers at your level
  • Earn points for your team and facility over 10 weeks
  • Winning team and facility win big prizes


Start Date:
  • Week of Jan 13th, you can play golf league any day Sun – Thurs 4pm on onward. All scores need to be submitted before Sunday night each week for prizing

  •  Winter League runs for 14 weeks!
  • $100 League Registration for weekly prizing, league gift, and league party. $25 Weekly Green Fee per week, food and drinks deals every week

Prizes / Handicaps:
  • Handicaps will be given out after week #2
  • Each week every player will be competing in their flight for top score
  • Teams will be made before week #1 and each week every player will be earning points for there team, points are given for attendance and weekly net score, one team will win a prize at end of golf league
  • Guelph league players will be competing against Orangeville league players for an end of the league prize
  • Every week you will play within your foursome for a net best ball score, lowest foursome wins a prize!
Golf Courses
  • Featuring famous venues like Pebble Peach, TPC Sawgrass, Cape Kidnappers, TPC Scottsdale, Augusta National Golf Club, and Cabot Cliffs
  • We will be following the PGA Tour 2025 tournament schedule. 
Extra Individual Games:
  • Weekly $5 net and gross skins will be played for anyone that wishes to participate
  • $2 Hole in One Toonie Pot weekly 
  • $10 50/50 available weekly, winner will get half the prize pot, and other half will go to our junior program to help grow the game of golf in our community